New Pricing Plans Coming April 30. Learn More 

Welcome, streamerspeepoclap

Dotabod is the all-in-one toolkit that transforms your Dota 2 stream, providing real-time stats, automated Twitch predictions, and intelligent overlays that engage your audience effortlessly.

dota logo
twitch logoTrusted by Over 20,000 Twitch Streamers Including:

Best features you need to stream. Try it for yourself.

Dotabod was built for streamers like you who play by their own rules and aren't going to let anything get in the way of their dreams. If other streaming tools are afraid to build it, Dotabod has it.

Give gamba
Create and close bets automatically for every match.
bets screen
peepogamba emote

Twitch predictions creator

Let viewers use channel points to predict game outcomes. Dotabod handles opening and closing bets automatically, letting you focus on the game.

Dotabod has things to say
So many chatter options to choose from, why not just enable them all?
chatter toggles
chatting emote

Active chatting

Dotabod sends timely, context-aware chat messages to engage your audience with insights relevant to your gameplay—never spammy, always helpful.

Custom covers
Semi-transparent blocker that auto places itself over your minimap. Works with extra large minimaps, and also simple minimaps backgrounds.
minimap blockerMinimap blocker
ttours emote

Minimap and hero picks blocker

Stop stream snipers and protect your strategy with auto-activated minimap and hero selection blockers.

But wait, there's more.

Under active development and speaking to multiple Dota 2 personalities, features are being added as they are requested.

techleed: !wl
twitch mod icondotabod: Ranked 0 W - 9 L | -270 MMR

Real-Time Win/Loss Overlay

Instantly display your ranked or unranked win-loss record, current MMR, and progress to next rank on stream with one simple command.
techleed: !mmr
twitch mod icondotabod: 2720 | Archon☆3 | Next rank at 2772 in 2 wins
rank badge
rank badge
#1 MMR

MMR badge and tracking

Show off your current rank, or leaderboard standing on stream.
techleed: !smurfs
twitch mod icondotabod: Lifetime games: Viper: 408 · Doom: 657 · Hoodwink: 2,243 · Lina: 2,735 · Sniper: 2,850 · Drow Ranger: 3,136 · Clinkz: 3,384 · Tusk: 4,202 · Pugna: 4,466 · Dazzle: 6,626

Instant Smurf Detection

Immediately identify smurfs by displaying the lifetime matches of players in your current game.
twitch mod icondotabod: ShushPudge is smoked!
twitch mod icondotabod: Pudge died with passive faerie fireICANT
twitch mod icondotabod: pauseChampWho paused the game?
twitch mod icondotabod: We toggled treads 6 time to save a total 284 mana this match.

Dotabod has things to say

But only when the game conditions meet the correct parameters.
twitch mod icondotabod: Roshan killed! Next roshan between 30:27 and 33:27 · Rosh deaths: 1 · Next drop: agh's shard. · Invoker picked up the aegis!
twitch mod icondotabod: Pudge picked up the aegis!

Roshan & Aegis Timers

Automatic timers clearly showing Roshan respawn windows and Aegis pickups.
techleed: !gm
twitch mod icondotabod: Legion Commander: #856 · Dark Willow: #402 · Crystal Maiden: #321 · Weaver: #553 · Storm Spirit: #794 · Doom: #536 · Rubick: #524 · Dawnbreaker: #946 · Venomancer: #631 · Lifestealer: #294

In-Game Medal Tracking

Quickly show the ranks of all players in your match, giving your viewers deeper insight into each game.

Simple pricing for every Dota 2 streamer

Enjoy complimentary access to all Pro features until April 30, 2025

Subscribe today to continue using Pro features after the trial period ends

Save up to 21%
Pay once, use forever



Perfect for casual streamers who want to try out basic Dota 2 streaming features.

  1. Multi-language support
  2. Win-loss record display overlay
  3. MMR tracking with each match
  4. Basic rank display with mmr
  5. Basic minimap blocker
  6. Basic game events in chat (kills, bounties, match outcome)
  7. Essential commands (!mmr, !wl, !ranked, !online, !spectators)
  8. Hero stats commands (!dotabuff, !opendota, !builds)
  9. Game stats commands (!gpm, !xpm, !apm)
  10. Manual setup process

ProProFree until April 30, 2025

$6 / month

Complete toolkit for serious streamers who need advanced features and automation.Includes free trial until April 30, 2025 (41 days)

  1. All Free features
  2. Automated setup (Dota 2, OBS, 7TV, Twitch)
  3. Auto twitch predictions for each match
  4. Pro commands (!hero, !np, !items, !gm, !smurfs)
  5. Advanced overlays (XL Minimap, Anti-snipe blockers)
  6. Notable players overlay with flags
  7. Win probability overlay with !wp command
  8. Stream delay customization
  9. Auto OBS scene switcher
  10. Auto Roshan and Aegis timers
  11. Advanced game events (Midas, Rosh events, Neutral items)
  12. Manager access
  13. Early access to beta features and updates
  14. And more! Browse the full list of features in the dashboard

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us on discord.

    • Why the name Dotabod?

      Because we all have a little dota bod in us peepofat. But also because dotabot was taken.
    • How do I explain to my wife the money I withdraw from our joint bank account to use Dotabod?

      This feels like one-hundred percent a you problem. Dotabod is not responsible in any way for your marital grievances. But you could just tell her it's an investment in your streaming career.
    • How do I get started?

      Login with your Twitch account and you can begin using it right away. There will be a setup screen to guide you through the process.
    • Will my viewers like this?

      People make their own choices. Some viewers won't like a minimap blocker. But your viewers will choose to like you more for it.
    • Why is Dotabod based?

      Let’s just say it’s because stream snipers will never find us.
    • Is there any age limit to using Dotabod?

      You can use Dotabod even if you’re 9 years old. Or a dog. But there might be age limits to streaming on Twitch. So ask a parent first.
    • How does it work?

      We use the Dota 2 gamestate integration API, and give you a browser source overlay to use with OBS.
    • Isn’t this against TOS?

      Not at all. In fact, Valve themselves sanction and allow this practice officially. Valve provides Gamestate Integration for Dota 2 so that any thirdparty apps, like Dotabod, can receive live data.
    • Will this make me a better streamer?

      Here’s the thing: yes.